Inspect, Control, Report: HAProxy as the SRE's Door Man
CenterDevice offers secure document storage and sharing with OCR, full text indexing and automatic versioning. Our SREs use HAProxy to gain insights into usage of our services, diagnose issues, and throttle or reject requests based on HAProxy ACLs. In this talk, you will see how we generate HAProxy configuration files using templates. We will describe our custom log format and demonstrate how we integrate HAProxy data with Kibana.

Daniel Schneller
Principal Cloud Engineer
Daniel Schneller has been designing and implementing complex software and database systems for more than 20 years and is the author of the MySQL Admin Cookbook. In his current position as Principal Cloud Engineer at CenterDevice GmbH he pushes forward operations of the high-scalable Document Management System with a strong focus on automation and infrastructure as code. He is always hungry to improve and learn new technologies. Together with Dr. Lukas Pustina he has created and written the CloudFibel.