Attendee Agreement

By registering for and/or attending the HAProxyConf event (“HAProxyConf”), you hereby consent and agree to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement (“Agreement”).

1. Attendee Terms and Conditions

  1. You must be at least 18 years of age.
  2. During your attendance at HAProxyConf, you will comply with all applicable laws and regulations, as well as the terms of this Agreement and HAProxyConf’s rules and instructions.
  3. All information submitted upon registration must be accurate and complete. Your first name, last name, company, and other information may be included on your attendee badge.
  4. Any special dietary restrictions must be included on your registration form. HAProxy Technologies will try to accommodate dietary requests, but we cannot guarantee that all requests will be met.
  5. The registration fee does not include Hotel accommodations.
  6. Transportation expenses are not included in the registration fee. HAProxy Technologies will not provide nor reimburse for transportation to and from HAProxyConf. You can send questions about event site accessibility to events@haproxy.com.
  7. You are not permitted to bring non-registered individuals to HAProxyConf, or to the after-hours events. If you wish to bring guests, each such individual must register and purchase a separate HAProxyConf ticket.
  8. You agree to permit HAProxy Technologies to contact you at any time regarding your registration and attendance at HAProxyConf.
  9. You agree to abide by all rules outlined in the HAProxyConf Code of Conduct (12) at all event venues and social events.
  10. It is not permitted to solicit or sell products or services at HAProxyConf without without the prior written approval of HAProxy Technologies. Any attendee doing so may be removed from the event at HAProxy Technologies’ sole discretion.
  11. HAProxy Technologies reserves the right to refuse admittance to, or remove any person from, HAProxyConf (including any HAProxyConf events) at any time in its sole discretion, for reasons including, but not limited to, attendees behaving in a disorderly manner or failing to comply with these terms and conditions.
  12. You agree to HAProxy Technologies’ Privacy Policy.

2. Refund and Cancellation Policy

You may cancel your registration by providing written notice to HAProxy Technologies. Depending on the cancellation date, a refund may be provided as follows:

  1. If you submit a request for cancellation greater than forty five (45) days before HAProxyConf (September 24th), you are eligible for a full refund of the ticket fee, minus the transaction fee.
  2. If you submit a request for cancellation between forty five (45) to thirty (30) days before HAProxyConf, you are eligible for a fifty percent (50%) refund of the ticket fee, minus the transaction fee. But may transfer your ticket to another individual.
  3. If you submit a request for cancellation between thirty (30) to fourteen (14) days before HAProxyConf, you are eligible for a thirty percent (30%) refund of the ticket fee, minus the transaction fee. But may transfer your ticket to another individual.
  4. If you cancel less than fourteen (14) days prior to the start of HAProxyConf, will you not be eligible for a refund.

3. Photo and Video Release

Photographs and/or videos taken at the event by or on behalf of HAProxy Technologies may include your image. By registering for HAProxyConf, you hereby grant HAProxy Technologies the permission to use your likeness in a photograph, video, or other digital media, in any and all of its publications, including web-based publications, without payment or other consideration. Furthermore, you acknowledge and agree that all photos, videos, and other media will become the property of HAProxy Technologies and will not be returned. You hereby irrevocably authorize HAProxy Technologies to edit, alter, copy, exhibit, publish, or distribute these photos, videos, or media for any lawful purpose. In addition, you waive any right to royalties or other compensation arising or related to the use of your likeness as described herein. You hereby hold harmless, release, and forever discharge HAProxy Technologies from all claims, demands, and causes of action which you, your heirs, representatives, executors, administrators, or any other persons acting on your behalf or on behalf of your estate have or may have by reason of this release.

4. Term and Termination

  1. This Agreement begins on the date of your registration and, unless terminated earlier pursuant to this Agreement, continues until the conclusion of HAProxyConf (the “Term”).
  2. HAProxy Technologies may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, by providing you with written notice.
  3. Sections 3, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10 will survive any expiration or termination of this Agreement.

5. Disclaimers

HAProxy Technologies disclaims all warranties, whether express or implied, written or oral, with respect to any goods or services to be provided hereunder or any component or part thereof, including any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

6. Intellectual Property Rights

You will not acquire any interest in HAProxy Technologies’ trademarks, service marks, trade secrets, logos, commercial symbols, copyrights, patents and any other intellectual property rights by virtue of the provisions of this Agreement.

7. Limitation of Liability

Except for: (a) your injury to persons or property, (b) your negligence or willful misconduct, (c) your obligations under Section 8 (“Indemnification”) or (d) your violation of HAProxy Technologies’ Intellectual Property Rights, neither you nor HAProxy Technologies will be liable under any circumstances for (i) any lost profits or opportunities, consequential, special, punitive, or indirect damages of any kind, or (ii) direct damages in excess of the amount paid by you to HAProxy Technologies under this Agreement.

8. Indemnification

You will indemnify, defend and hold HAProxy Technologies, its affiliates and licensors, and each of their respective directors, employees, officers, agents and representatives, harmless from and against any and all damages, losses, penalties, liabilities, judgments, fines, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees), whether commenced or threatened arising out of or related to: (a) your injury to persons or property, (b), your negligence or willful misconduct, or (c) your violation of HAProxy Technologies’ intellectual property rights.

9. Data Use and Privacy

HAProxy Technologies may collect personal information about you via in-person communications, by telephone, letter, email or when you visit HAProxy Technologies’ websites. Such information may include your first and last name, residential address, mailing address, telephone number and email address (the “Contact Details”).

You explicitly consent to HAProxy Technologies: (a) processing the Contact Details for administration and event planning purposes; and (b) transferring the Contact Details outside the European Economic Area, and/or having such Contact Details processed by a third party pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. You may request that HAProxy Technologies provide access to the Contact Details, and the ability to update, modify, or delete the Contact Details upon written request.

10. Miscellaneous

  1. Any provision in this Agreement may be waived, but only in writing signed by the party or parties against whom such waiver is sought to be enforced. In case either party fails to enforce or delays enforcing rights hereunder will not be deemed a continuing waiver or modification of this Agreement. In case any term or provision of this Agreement is held invalid, illegal or unenforceable in any respect, such invalidity, illegality or unenforceability will not affect any other term or provision hereof, and the parties agree thereafter to use their best efforts to substitute a provision of similar economic intent and effect.
  2. HAProxy Technologies will not be liable in any manner whatsoever for acts of God, accidents, fires, strikes, or other occurrences beyond its control (whether like or unlike any of those enumerated herein) that prevents HAProxy Technologies from partially or completely performing its obligations hereunder.
  3. This Agreement will be deemed made in, and will be construed in accordance with and governed by, the laws of the State of Massachusetts, USA. You irrevocably submit to venue and exclusive personal jurisdiction in the federal and state courts in Waltham, Massachusetts, for any dispute arising out of this Agreement, and you waive all objections to jurisdiction and venue of such courts. Notices to a party will be sent by first-class mail, overnight courier or prepaid post:
  4. If to you, to the address you provided on your registration form; or
  5. If to HAProxy Technologies, you will address notices to HAProxy Technologies, Legal Department, 375 Totten Pond Road, Suite 302, Waltham, MA 02451, US with a copy to legal@haproxy.com. Notice will be deemed given seventy-two (72) hours after mailing or upon confirmed delivery or receipt, whichever is sooner.
  6. Either party may from time to time change its address for notices under this Section by giving the other party at least thirty (30) days prior written notice of the change in accordance with this subpart (d).

11. Entire Agreement

This Agreement, together with all associated exhibits, which are incorporated by this reference constitutes the complete and final agreement between you and HAProxy Technologies pertaining to the subject matter herein and supersedes all prior agreements, understandings and discussions relating to the subject matter. This Agreement may be modified by HAProxy Technologies at any time in its sole discretion.

12. Code of Conduct

  1. I am an attendee at HAProxyConf, learning from and sharing with other HAProxyConf attendees in an effort to improve myself and my industry. I co-create the experience with fellow attendees. I am prepared to give my energy, presence and sensitivity to creating the best possible experience for myself and others.
  2. I am coming to HAProxyConf to interact with people. I understand that imagery and language which is suggestive or derogatory will offend and make people uncomfortable. I also understand that people may have boundaries and sensibilities different from my own. I will accept without question when informed that something is offensive or unacceptable in the context of the HAProxyConf event.
  3. I will never intentionally harass or offend another attendee regardless of gender, sexual orientation, disability, appearance, size, race or religion and will not abide another attendee being harassed or offended. If I am aware that anyone is uncomfortable or unsafe, I will notify those giving offense and the HAProxyConf event organizers.
  4. If I am offended or harassed, I will inform people around me who make me feel safe and the event organizers. If I feel safe, at my discretion, I will inform those giving offense of the specific actions with the hope that the other party is well-intentioned and ignorant, but I am under no obligation to do so.
  5. I understand that people are different and I attempt to be forgiving of others actions at the level of their sincere intent, but my priority is protecting my safety and the safety of others. I will act without hesitation or reservation until there are no question of the safety of all parties.
  6. I trust the HAProxyConf organizers and attendees will co-create the best possible experience for everyone involved, as I will. I believe HAProxyConf is about empowering people and I will not forget I am empowered to create a safe and nurturing environment. If I or any other attendee violates this aspect of the event, I expect the conference organizers to protect the attendees by direct action, including expelling those in violation and contacting the proper authorities.
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