Presentation Details

The next edition of HAProxyConf is already in the works. Currently, our call for papers process is open-ended. Submit now, and we will inform you about the upcoming deadlines as soon as they are published.

HAProxyConf presentations will be given at the in-person conference and live-streamed to our virtual platform on the conference dates. Our team will work with the presenters to help perfect the content of each talk.

Submissions will be accepted either through the form below or by email at For email submissions, please be sure to provide all of the data requested in the form in order to be considered.

Read more about the submission topic ideas in the following “Submission Recommendations” section.

Why submit a talk?

HAProxyConf is a hub for learning, yet it also represents an opportunity to share your knowledge. If you're an expert in your field or you just want to share your story with the community, we encourage you to submit a talk. Hundreds of tech enthusiasts come to HAProxyConf to hear ideas, experiences, challenges, and victories just like yours.

HAProxyConf is also an opportunity to showcase your brand—both personally and professionally. Whether you're presenting individually or representing your organization, these events provide a platform for your voice. It’s a good way to share your organization’s culture and show why your organization is a great place to work.

Submitting a talk is easy! Refer to our submission guidelines for more information, and please feel free to reach out with any questions.

Submission Recommendations

End-user use cases are highly preferred. Presentations that include details on your unique challenges, how HAProxy Technologies solved them, and what benefits you achieved will be strongly considered. The list below will give you an idea about the topic areas that we hope to see:

Facing the Big Challenges

  • API security and other threats
  • AI: opportunities and challenges
  • Optimizing for massive scale and complexity
  • Cost and efficiency during hard times
  • Agility and commercial uncertainty
  • Full lifecycle management and automation

Learning HAProxy

  • Getting started with HAProxy
  • Mentoring, onboarding, or knowledge transfer
  • High availability
  • Load balancing and performance
  • API / AI gateway
  • Security: DDoS protection, bot management, rate limiting, API protection, and WAF
  • HAProxy Fusion: management, monitoring, and automation
  • Kubernetes, multi-cloud, and other environments
  • Observability

Changing How We Use HAProxy

  • File based config, Data Plane API, Fusion API, and CLIs
  • Auto-provisioning HAProxy on any infrastructure or form factor
  • Scaling and downsizing clusters
  • Upgrading HAProxy versions and modules
  • Patching or upgrading components of HAProxy
  • Automation and orchestration tools (Ansible/Puppet, etc.)
  • ITSM Approvals and GitOps workflows (Snow, GitLab/GitHub/Jenkins/CircleCI)

Sharing Success Stories

  • What you achieved with HAProxy
  • Novel use cases for HAProxy
  • How HAProxy impacted your business
  • Migrating to HAProxy
  • Enabling AI with HAProxy
  • Lessons learned

Building the Future of HAProxy

  • What it means to contribute to open source
  • Joining the HAProxy developer community
  • How to introduce new people to HAProxy
  • HAProxy’s architecture
  • Compiling HAProxy source code
  • Designing new features for HAProxy
  • Committing and reviewing code
  • Extending HAProxy with Lua
  • Security consciousness in HAProxy development
  • Incorporating AI and the latest trends in HAProxy

Submission Do’s and Don’ts:

  • Do provide all information required in the paper submission form, including speaker information.
  • Do give your talk a simple and interesting title.
  • Do explain why attendees should want to listen to your presentation and what lessons they will learn by doing so.
  • Do submit compelling end-user use case and/or HAProxy product/feature proposals.
  • Do include as much detail about your proposed talk as possible. The more information we have about your topic, the more likely it is to be accepted.
  • Do abide by all important dates, including the submission deadline and speaker acceptance dates.
  • Do keep the abstract concise (200 words or less), but still cover enough detail for the audience to get a clear understanding of what you will present.
  • Do not try to boil the ocean. Please limit the scope of your presentation accordingly.
  • Do not submit obvious vendor or product pitches. The goal of HAProxyConf is to provide exceptional and informative presentations for our attendees. Your proposal will not be considered if it is a clear attempt to promote your company and/or non-HAProxy product.

Post Conference Publication

All sessions will be recorded and made available online at a future date. Presenters will be required to sign a speaker acknowledgment form as part of the Speaker Acceptance process, granting the right to use your presentation online at the discretion of HAProxyConf. Additional details will be provided to all accepted speakers upon notification of their acceptance.

If you have any questions about the Call for Papers submission process, please contact us at

Speaker #1 Information
Speaker #2 Information (if appl.)
Presentation Information
Select the length of the presentation

In order to submit the request, we must store and process your personal data. If you authorize us to store your personal data for this purpose, check the box above. Additionally, because of changes in the regulation of personal data, HAProxy has recently updated its Privacy Policy. HAProxy encourages you to carefully review this document. By clicking "Submit Request" below (or continuing to use the site) you confirm your agreement with this amended Privacy Policy.

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